Veranstaltungsort | Unicom-Gebäude Raum: 7.1020 Mary-Somerville-Str. 7 28359 Bremen |
Uhrzeit | 14:30 - 15:30 Uhr |
Ansprechpartner/in | Dr. Jakob Frizell; Dr. Johanna Kuhlmann |
Veranstaltungsreihe | Political Economy Workshop (PEW) |
The participants will discuss Kerem Gabriel Öktem's, Johanna Kuhlmann's, Laura Andrea Alvárez Tobar's, Frank Nullmeier's and Delia González de Reufel's draft paper "How are groups constituted through social policy legislation? Exploring temporal sequences of inclusion into old-age protection in a global perspective".
The event is part of the programme of the Political Economy Workshop.
PEW discusses early/unpublished papers or research plans that investigate the political economy (broadly construed) of social policy and inequality.
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