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Windzio, Michael, 2024: The evolution of human sociality. Categorizations, emotions, and friendship, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), Online first, doi:10.1007/s11577-023-00919-x, 15.12.2023

Niemann, Dennis; Krogmann, David; Martens, Kerstin, 2023: Torn into the Abyss? How subpopulations of international organizations in climate, education, and health policy evolve in times of a declining liberal international order, in: Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 29 (3), S. 271 - 294, doi:10.1163/19426720-02903004, 10.10.2023

Petersen, Klaus; Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert, 2023: World Wars and the Establishment of Welfare Ministries, in: Social Science History, 47 (4), S. 543 - 564, doi:10.1017/ssh.2022.50, 12.04.2023

Windzio, Michael, 2023: Honor in the wild. Virtuous violence between the Hobbesian trap and social order, in: Human Nature, (34), S. 400 - 421, doi:10.1007/s12110-023-09455-1, 06.09.2023

Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2023: Everyday sense making and the discursive delineation of social policy space in Zambia, in: Social Policy & Administration, Online first, doi:10.1111/spol.12974

Berten, John; Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2023: Reflexivity in global social policy: Introduction to the special issue, in: Global Social Policy, Online first, doi:10.1177/14680181231202602

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