Friederike Römer, Jakob Henninger and Mara Junge are highly pleased to announce the launch of project B04s new website.
The website "The Immigrant Social Rights Project (ImmigSR)" provides the latest version of the ImmigSR dataset which includes a number of indicators of immigrant access to state provided welfare benefits in 39 countries in five world regions for the years 1980-2018. Resources also include a technical report with codebook and country and benefit coverage details, as well as updates on expansions.
Our website is designed to provide researchers, scholars, and interested individuals easy access to both the data and related relevant information.
We cordially invite you to visit our new website at https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/projects/project-area-b-transregional-dynamics/project-b04-2022-25-/immigsr/en/ and learn more about our work in the field of immigrant welfare rights in a global context.
Dr. Jakob Henninger
DeZIM e.V.
Mauerstraße 76
10117 Berlin
E-Mail: jakob.henninger@uni-bremen.de
Mara Junge
DeZIM e.V.
Mauerstraße 76
10117 Berlin
E-Mail: junge@dezim-institut.de
Dr. Friederike Römer
DeZIM e.V.
Mauerstraße 76
10117 Berlin
E-Mail: roemer@dezim-institut.de