Unicom Building
Room: 7.1020
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
10 am - 12 pm
Contact Person
Dr. Johanna Kuhlmann

Informed consent is usually an ethical and legal requirement for social research, and researchers are expected to obtain consent from people to participate in research and for the use of the information collected. Yet, with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, the legal framework for informed consent has changed considerably. In this workshop, Jan-Ocko Heuer from Qualiservice will deal with key issues regarding informed consent for research and data storing/sharing with Qualiservice (the Research Data Centre for qualitative data from social research currently implemented at the SOCIUM). Topics include: legal framework; core principles of consent; formats for consent; when to seek consent; informing participants; consent in special cases; consent forms; withdrawing consent. It is recommended that from each (qualitative) research project that plans to archive data at Qualiservice, one researcher should attend the workshop. Registration is not required.