(c) Johanna Fischer
(c) Johanna Fischer
12-14 September 2024, Bilbao

Meika Sternkopf, Dr. Johanna Fischer, Migyeong Yun and Davide Viero from the A07 Project "Global Dynamics of Long-term Care Policy" recently presented their research at the 7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care. Bringing together academics, policymakers, and experts, the conference is organised every two years by the International Long-term Care Policy Network (ILPN). This year, it was co-hosted by the Government of the Spanish province Biscay and took place in its capital Bilbao from 12-14 September 2024.

Meika Sternkopf and Migyeong Yun presented two of the A07 project’s case studies focusing on the development of long-term care systems in different contexts and regions. In a panel on care fragmentation challenges, Meika introduced her research on Uruguay with a presentation titled "Towards an integrated system of care? The introduction of the National Care System in Uruguay". Her research on the case highlighting the role of international organisations within advocacy coalitions has also been recently published in Policy Sciences. Another international interdependency was highlighted in Migyeong’s presentation "Developing a public long-term care system in the context of a pre-existing market for live-in migrant care work: The case of Taiwan" within a panel on migration and long-term care. This research conducted together with Simone Leiber and Li-fang Liang highlights how the existing migrant care market may influence the subsequent development of the public long-term care system using the case of failure to adopt long-term care insurance in Taiwan.

Within the panel "Easy to compare? Generating and using comparative data on long-term care" Davide Viero and Johanna Fischer presented their work on generating global comparative datasets. Drawing on earlier CRC research and her dissertation, Johanna presented the Historical Long-Term Care Systems Dataset outlining which countries worldwide have established different forms of long-term care systems. Davide continued to outline the current data collection on the generosity of long-term care systems, presenting a preliminary analysis of inclusiveness and scope of benefits across 40 countries worldwide. The datasets received great interest from the audience and yielded a lively discussion on possibilities and limitations of international comparative research in a complex field like long-term care.

The sessions on comparative data and care fragmentation were also co-organised and moderated by Johanna as a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care Interest Group on Long-Term Care Policy. The novel Global Observatory of Long-Term Care is a new network initiative aimed at facilitate cross-national learning to improve and strengthen care systems and research. It was officially launched at the conference in Bilbao and welcomes any members with relevant experience and interest in the field of long-term care.

Dr. Johanna Fischer
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57074
E-Mail: johanna.fischer@uni-bremen.de