The workshop on "Global Varieties of Dualization – Historical Dynamics of Inclusion & Generosity in Social Policy" took place on November 13th and 14th, 2023, at Bremen University. It was organized by Dr. Aline Grünewald, Dr. Tobias Böger (both from Bremen University and CRC 1342), Dr. Armin Müller (Constructor University and CRC 1342), and Prof. Dr. Paul Marx (University of Bonn).
The organizers convened the workshop to discuss draft papers for a special issue exploring the use of the twin concepts of economic dualism and institutional dualization as a general framework for charting, understanding and explaining global and historical dynamics of inclusion and generosity of social policy. Contributions included regional and country studies from renowned experts covering India (Azad Singh Bali, PhD; Prof. Dr. M. Ramesh; Nargis Vasundhara, PhD), China (Dr. Armin Müller; Prof. Dr. John Gibson; Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink), South Korea (Sungjun Park, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Sophia Seung-yoon Lee; Hyojin Seo, PhD; Prof. Dr. Heejung Chung); Southern Africa (Prof. Dr. Jeremy Seekings) and Latin America (Camila Arza, PhD) as well as quantitative and qualitative global studies originating from the CRC 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policsy" (Dr. Johanna Kuhlmann; Dr. Kerem Gabriel Öktem; Laura Andrea Álvarez Tobar, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier; Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels; Dr. Jakob Henninger; Mara Junge, M.A.; Dr. Friederike Römer; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mückenberger; Andrea Schäfer, M.A.; Marina Carlino, M.A.).
Dr. Tobias Böger
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57068
E-Mail: tobias.boeger@uni-bremen.de