Today we look at Kyrgyzstan. Here, Gulnaz Isabekova has explored the factors that have facilitated mutual learning between donors and recipients of development aid, based on the example of Village Health Committees.

Village Health Committees: Long-lasting success

For her research, Isabekova conducted numerous interviews with project partners, from which we quote today:

"The study of the Village Health Committees in Kyrgyzstan demonstrates the sustainability of the community-based organizations beyond the end of the project-related funding. Established as part of the Swiss-financed Community Action for Health (2001-2017) project, the Village Health Committees contributed to the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases in the country. Despite the end of the project-related funding, about 70-80% of the committees - composed of volunteers, mostly local residents - continued their health promotion activities (Interviewee B, para. 125–138, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2018)."

Village Health Committees in Kyrgyzstan: Red dots

For more information see the publication:
Isabekova, Gulnaz, 2020: Mutual learning on the local level: The Swiss Red Cross and the Village Health Committees in the Kyrgyz Republic, in: Global Social Policy, online first, 28.08.2020

More about the research of project B06: External Reform Models and Internal Debates on the New Conceptualisation of Social Policy in the Post-Soviet Region


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Dr. Gulnaz Isabekova